London you’ve changed. Part 3


If you are afraid of heights, go up the Shard anyway.

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London, you’ve changed. Part 2

camden, london

In my last blog entry, I wrote about some of the exciting changes in London’s culinary scene. While the city is clearly embracing and mixing cuisines of various cultures, it’s also good to see that its classics are still celebrated and easy to find.

While I realize that change is a part of life, what happens when we lose touch with our foundation, our roots? Just how important is it to preserve the past?

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London, you’ve changed.

gluten free
They say the only constant in life is change. I believe that once we accept this, we become less afraid to move forward or to take risks.

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Europe Bound

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Hello Everyone! I am off to Europe today. I will be exploring London, Berlin, Munich and Paris during my month-long journey. Please stay tuned to read as I post live! I will be on the hunt for all things deliciously gluten and dairy-free. If you have any suggestions, please send them my way, I would love to hear from you!

Lots of love, Milk and Marigolds xo

Lucia’s Bolognese Sauce

Bolognese sauce
As promised in my gluten-free gnocchi post, here is the famous Bolognese sauce that pairs beautifully with this recipe or when served with pasta. A big thank you to my dear friend Lucia for sharing this great family recipe with us! My delicious. G.F gnocchi recipe can be found at:

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