The Last Supper

If you could plan your very last meal, what would it be?

Would it include something over-indulgent like champagne and caviar or something more comforting like your grandmother’s famous lasagna? For me, it didn’t take very long to decide.

Although I love rich foods and a good glass of wine, my choice is perhaps a little more humble. It’s my mom’s Sheppard’s pie. While the smell of the pie baking in the oven is beyond mouth-watering, it also evokes nostalgic feelings.

My mom's famous Sheppard's Pie

My mom’s famous Sheppard’s Pie

Growing up, it was during special occasions that my mom made her famous Sheppard’s pie. I often requested it for my birthday parties and more recently for my 30th. It’s so good that I always end up having seconds and thirds. Perhaps it’s the savory gravy, or the fluffy mashed potatoes that are perfectly crisp on top, that makes this pie so incredibly tasty. But I know that this meal represents so much more because it reminds me of beautiful childhood memories, of family get-togethers and of course – my lovely mom. And no matter how much anyone tries, it’s never quite the same as hers.

So what would your last supper be? I’d love to hear your stories or comments. Please share!

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